No. 38-67, December 2020
- Conflictividad política, pandemia de COVID-19 y nuevos paradigmas
- The investigator as an independent subject of criminal prosecution in cases of terrorist crimes
- Some Questions of Parole in the Criminal Law of the Russian Federation
- Tendencies for the Development of Marriage Conflict Legal Regulation with the Participation of Foreigners and Persons without Citizenship in the Post-Soviet Space
- Features of Qualification and Prevention of Smuggling of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances: their Precursors or Analogues
- The problems of organization and legal responsibility (civil and administrative) in the field of telecommunications in Iraq
- Constituent elements of prohibited vertical agreements in the competition law of Iran and the European Union
- State regulation efficiency of food companies of Russia in sanction period
- Mediation in criminal proceedings: legal regulation in Ukraine and foreign experience of application
- Dynamics of the implementation of the protective role in the conduct of crimes: the practice of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
- Jurisprudence of the European court of human rights in the choice of precautionary measures in criminal proceedings: legal realities and perspectives
- Victimological measures to prevent violent offences for gain committed by children
- Influencia de la innovación en la competitividad de las medianas empresas del Ecuador
- Information technology in the litigation due to the pandemic COVID-19
- Virtual Mediation in the Field of Intellectual Property
- Innovation IT-Payment Technologies as a Know-how and an Object of Intellectual Property Rights
- Foreign experience in professional development of private detectives
- Description of the legal basis for the protection of labor rights of migrants
- Social and legal guarantees of the rights of convicts according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
- Civil Identity of Youth in the Conditions of Regional Social and Political Tension
- Religious Associations in Tatar Assr under Conditions of Mass Political Repressions of the 1930
- Socio-Political Aspects of Russian Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca in the XIX-Th Century
- Security in Rights as a Variety of National Security
- Socio-Political Tension in the Russian Society: Case Study of Youths of the Republic of Tatarstan
- Special features of vocational training institutions in the context of pandemics
- Identifying the Mental Model of the Managers of Melli Bank Regarding Quantum Leadership using Q-methodology
- Unity of law and legal act as a key principle of the rule of law
- Legal basis for the interaction between local with state authorities
- The philosophy of private deterrence in the penal code
- Taxonomy of compulsory and incentive legal consequences (legal measures) of committing illegal acts
- Foreign policy factor in State-Church relations in the Soviet Union during World War II and early post-war
- Conflicts associated with migratory processes: a political perspective
- Political, Military and Technical Cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
- Training and implementation of the environmental, economic, and legal development policy of the regions: main practice-oriented approaches
- Implementation of the Function of Maximizing the Security Level in the Administration of Justice in the Digital Economy
- Digital Objects: The Legal Peculiarities, the Role and Prospects of Use
- Distance and Online Learning Solutions in the Context of Modern Legal Educational Policy
- Criminal Liability of Medical Profecionals Negligience: Comparative Analysis
- Internet Media During the COVID-19 Crisis
- Restriction of the Rights of Russian Senators as a Political Responsibility
- Electronic technologies during local elections: new challenges
- Environmental crime: dialectical and criminological vision