No. 40-73, July 2022
- Reflections for the interdisciplinary study of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine in 2022
- Regional leadership as an element of Ukraine's geopolitical strategy
- Criminal Law Transformation in the Context of COVID-19: The Experience of the European Union and Ukraine
- Problems of Concluding Surrogacy Agreements: Practice of Ukraine and the EU
- The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Offenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
- International institutions in the mechanism for the protection of human rights and freedoms in the national security context
- Fiscal decentralization practices in developing countries
- Legal regulation of the institute of control in the field of housing construction in the conditions of armed aggression of the Russian Federation
- Building Legal Mechanisms for Electronic Governance Development
- Reforming Techniques to Combat Organized Crime in the Context in View of Securing Human Rights and Freedoms
- Formation of Social Ukraine's Policy on the Principles of Social Governance in EU Countries
- Infrastructural Development of Smart Cities as the Background of Digital Transformation of Territorial Units
- Prevention of crimes performed by the Russian federation against humanity in Ukraine
- Formation of priority tasks and strategies for education highly qualified political scientists: European experience, and Ukrainian practice
- Mapping in the context of public administration of intercultural diversity
- Effectiveness of gender policy in the activities of the Ukrainian police in the context of intensifying European integration processes
- Investigation and justice of crimes committed under war conditions in Ukraine
- Dialectics of rights and responsibilities in education
- International approaches to legal regulation of juvenile justice and juvenile prevention
- Combating sports corruption: an analysis of international regulations
- Criminal law and forensic support in the fight against cybercrime
- Procedural and organizational and tactical features of the search
- Conceptual principles of state policy of regulation of development of public- private partnerships
- Administrative and legal regulation of public relations regarding the use of human resources in Ukraine
- Decentralization as a global trend of democracy development
- Public actors of international politics: peculiarities of interaction
- The legal framework of the foreign policy of the Byzantine in the era of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (945-959)
- International legal regime of the territory of Crimea after the Russian annexation
- Events in eastern and southern Ukraine in retrospect of post-soviet relations
- Conceptualization of smart-philosophy as a post-modern project of non-linear pattern development of the XXI century
- Special characteristics of a person who commits a crime associated with the illegal transplantation of human anatomical materials
- Analytical Work on Missing Persons Search: Modern View of the Problem
- Political causes of the Ukrainian revolution: theoretical aspects of the issue
- Cyber security as the basis for the national security of Ukraine
- Problematic aspects of the serving of sentences by specific groups of convicted persons
- Political and legal preconditions for supervision and control over the observance of factory law in Ukraine
- Specific characteristics of corporate rights under Ukrainian legislation
- The Criminal Law Aspect of the Violation of Environmental Law in the context of armed aggression against Ukraine
- Civil Society Transformation in the Context of Political Radicalism in Eastern Europe
- Forms of implementation of legal policy in the field of civil law
- State regulation of the development of the digital economy infrastructure
- Electronic Evidence in Administrative Proceedings
- Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
- Investment activity in the era of digitalization: economic-legal support and perspectives of procedural protection
- The Role of Sports Contracts in International Trade Contracts
- Vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in Ukraine: Current Problems of State Educational Policy and Outreach Work of Higher Medical Educational Institutions
- Adolescents' legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
- Representations of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Organizations (2002-2021): from religion to politics
- Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of legal competence of future specialists of non-legal specialties
- Aproximaciones a las políticas educativas en la escena global de la postpandemia COVID-19
- Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in education, science and innovation
- Políticas de globalización en la esfera financiera y transición de la banca mexicana
- Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the individual in a hybrid war
- State policy of Ukraine in the field of education
- Prueba indiciaria en el delito de Hurto con agravantes en la justicia peruana
- Sole companies: analysis and feasibility in Iran and the United States of America