No. 40-74, October 2022
- Public services in the field of social protection of the population: international experience, administrative and penal aspects
- Security of the participants in the criminal process: procedural and criminological aspects
- Legal tools of security of the financial sector of Ukraine
- Prospects of state regulation of venture entrepreneurship in Ukraine
- Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
- Using the possibilities of criminal analysis during the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
- Features of legal regulation of social protection in Sweden
- Firearms as a means of committing criminal offenses
- Trade agreements, digital development and international commercial arbitration
- State economic security as criminal law protection object
- State environmental policy on the issue of legal regulation of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine
- Legal Responsibility for Illicit Trade in Pharmaceuticals under Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Legal coverage of will expression by means of information technologies
- Intercultural Communication and Community Participation in Local Governance: the EU Experience
- Transformation of civil society in the context of political radicalism in eastern Europe
- The role of the media as a parallel tool of justice for crimes against a civilian population
- Experience of legal support in electoral processes in Denmark, New Zealand and USA: possibility of use in Ukraine
- Military administrations as an element of national security under international and Ukrainian legislation
- Influence of state financial control on state authorities functioning
- Narratives vs Ideology: new Dimensions of the Formation of National Unity in Ukraine
- Protection of human rights and freedoms as a component of the preventive function of the police force
- Specific features of the legal regulation of prosecution for contempt of court: judicial rules established in different countries
- Measures for countering drug trafficking in Russia and Germany
- Gender policy within social and labor relations: international and legal aspect
- Institutional support for the development of eco-industrial parks in the conditions of the circular economy formation taking into account world experience
- Guarantees of an independent tribunal in administrative proceedings in the context of the implementation of the human right to a fair trial
- Characteristics of a school in the political context of what a learning organization means
- Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
- Regulatory policy of the foreign economic activity of the state
- International festival 'music without limits' as a reflection of new political forms of intercultural dialogue
- The Impact of Russia's Military Aggression on Ukraine's Accession to the Single European Transport Area
- The role of the international institutions in the protection of human rights and freedoms in the sphere of national security
- Peculiarities of personal data protection according to European and Ukrainian legislation
- Los trasplantados en Venezuela. Un caso de vulneración de derechos humanos
- Conceptual understanding of the relationship between political and administrative processes in the context of social systems security
- The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2014-2022: A Historical Retrospective
- Interactions between the international convention and the system of guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities in Ukraine
- Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of the human personality in conditions of war
- Formación de una perspectiva de identidad y conciencia como base cívica de la nación
- Social and legal problems of discrimination by age in the medical field
- Remedies against Online Defamation of Public Figures
- Improved Planning of Information Policy in the Cyber Security Sphere under Conditions of Hybrid Threats
- Interpretation of human legal value in the natural concept of understanding law
- Considerations on the reform of Ukraine's wartime criminal justice system
- Attempt on the life of a defense attorney or representative of a person in connection with legal assistance
- Impact of digitalization on the protection and implementation of the national economic interests
- Experience of conclusion and performance of engineering, procurement and construction contracts in post-Soviet countries
- Administrative and legal regulation of space tourism
- The concept of 'Child' and its historical and legal description
- Argentine Universities: Problems, COVID-19, ICT & Efforts
- On the Principles of Sanctions of Criminal Law Norms in the Context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Clarification of Definitions
- Dicotomia entre 'nosotros' y 'ellos': la causa catalana en la prensa
- Prioritizing Factors Affecting Sexual Victimization of Children and Identifying Personality Characteristics of Sex Delinquents in Iran
- La reincidencia culposa: un análisis jurídico y doctrinario
- The Value of Man in the Positivity Type of Understanding Law
- Representaciones de la prensa escrita latinoamericana sobre la invasión rusa a Ucrania en 2022