Administrative and legal regulation of space tourism

AutorSergii Didenko - Kovalchuk ?ykola - Pavel Serebriansky - Roman Mkrtchian
CargoHonored lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Law - Ph.D. in Law - Ph.D. in Law - Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Administrati ve and lega l re gu lation
of s pa ce to uris m
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /c ue st pol. 40 74 .4 7
Se rg ii Did e nk o *
K ov al ch uk y ko la **
Pa v el S er eb ri an sk y ***
Ro m a n M kr tc hi an ****
Abst ra ct
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tou rism and the character ist ics of this form of tou rism as a type
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th ese r elat ions hip s is of p art icula r im por ta nce a nd , in ou r op inio n,
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one of th e par ticipan ts in these rela tions are cor poration s tha t develop the
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for the development of th ese relations an d if it ap plies to th e developed
spa ce in du stry, in vests in this activity and pr om otes developm ent in all
possible dir ect ion s. Th er efor e, we believe th at special atten tion should
         
Ke ywo rd s:     
spa tial ac tivities .
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