Conceptual understanding of the relationship between political and administrative processes in the context of social systems security

AutorHryhorii Sytnyk - Mariia Orel - Viktoriia Ivanova - Yevhenii Taran
CargoDoctor of Sciences of Public Administration - Doctor of Sciences of Public Administration - PhD in Economics - PhD in Political Science
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Concep tua l und ersta nd ing of th e
re latio ns hip betwe en po litic al a nd
ad ministrati ve pro ce ss es in the con text o f
social s yste ms s ecurity
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l. 40 74 .3 4
Hryhorii Sytnyk *
Ma rii a Ore l **
Viktoriia Ivanova ***
Yev he ni i Tar an ****
Abst ra ct
The purpose of the article is to conceptually understa nd th e
       
       
conten t a nalysis, structural-fun ctional m ethod, com parative-
 
         
        
of th e fact ors, wh ich revealed th e essen ce of the relationship between
      
syst ems an d th eir int erre lation should be consid ered, in cont ent and form,
as p hen omen a of th e vital activity o f these system s. It is concl uded tha t, the
analysis of peculia rities and in tensity of t his inter relation and funct ion al
tasks of polit ical and ad ministr at ive su bjects should be carr ied out in th e
            
         
* Docto r of Scien ces of Public Adm inistra tion, Full Profes sor, Head of Global and Nationa l Secur ity
Depa rtm ent, Tar as She vchen ko Na tion al Un iversi ty of Kyiv,     
** Doct or of Sci ences of Pub lic Admin ist rat ion, P rofes sor o f Public Admin istr atio n Dep art men t,
    
*** PhD in Econom ics, docto ral stud ent of Glob al and N ational Se curity Dep artme nt Edu cationa l and
, Tar as She vchen ko Nat iona l Unive rsity o f
**** Ph D in P olitica l Scienc e, Associa te Pr ofesso r of Glob al an d Na tion al Secu rity De par tme nt, Taras
       
Hry hor ii Syt ny k, Ma riia Or el, Vik torii a Iva nov a y Y evhe nii Ta ran
Concep tual u nders tand ing of the relatio nship between politica l and a dminis trat ive proces ses in
the contex t of social system s secur ity
Keyw o rds:     
     
Compr ensión conceptual de la r elación entre los
procesos políticos y administrativos en el con texto de la
Re s um e n
El pr opósit o del ar tículo es com pr en der conceptualmente la r elación
            
           
    
tod o com parativo-h istórico, el m ét odo com pa ra tivo-político, el m ap a
        
 
      
      
deb en ser considerados, en con tenido y for ma, como fenómenos de
la actividad vital de estos sistem as. Se conclu ye que,    
pecu liari dade s e int ensid ad d e esta inter rela ción y las tare as fun ciona les de
los su jeto s polít icos y ad mini stra tivos d ebe lleva rse a cabo en el con texto de
del n ivel de prot ección d el hom bre , la socie dad y la s inst itucio nes es tata les.
Pa la bra s cl ave : procesos políticos pr ocesos a dm in istrativos 
con ceptu al.
In tr o ductio n
Polit ical p roces ses a nd p ubli c adm inis tra tion are impo rta nt comp onen ts
of hu man exist ence (in dividu al), society and sta te institutions. Th ey
          
          
          
eith er 
 eith er 

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