Enfoques jurídicos para la regulación de los procesos migratorios en la Unión Europea

AutorOleg Todoshchak, Andrii Neugodnikov, Liudmyla Valuieva, Olha Tsarenko, Serhii Tsarenko
CargoOleg Todoshchak, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Odesa, Ukraine. PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Odesa, Ukraine. / Andrii Neugodnikov, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Odesa, Ukraine. PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of ...
Recibido el 18/11/22 Aceptado el 11/01/23
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
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“Dr. Hum ber to J.La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: c ues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til lo@gmail.com. Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 76 (2023), 136-161
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Legal approaches to the regulation
of migration processes in the
European Union
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4176.07
Oleg Todoshchak *
Andrii Neugodnikov **
Liudmyla Valuieva ***
Olha Tsarenko ****
Serhii Tsarenko *****
Using an interpretative methodology, the article examines
approaches to the regulation of migration processes in the light
of the increasing ow of immigrants to the European Union EU.
In this context, two main directions of regulation of migration
processes are considered: legal regulation and integration
measures. It can be concluded that the international legal regulation of
migration processes in the EU is based on adopted and ratied declarations,
conventions, covenants and protocols, which form a general international
legal basis for the regulation and management of migration processes at the
interstate level. Accordingly, the analysis of migration legislation and state
border legislation allows distinguishing three types of documents according
to their content, which are related to the ght against irregular migration:
a) regulatory legal acts determine the model of legal entry and stay of a
migrant on the territory of the country; b) law enforcement rules establish
responsibilities and regulate the application of other coercive measures in
case of violation of migration rules, and; c) documents of organizational
content determine the competence of the authorities involved in the process
of combating illegal immigration.
* PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University
“Odesa Law Academy”, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1147-1567
** PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University
“Odesa Law Academy”, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4649-0784
*** PhD., Associate Professor of Common Law Disciplines of the Educational and Scientic Institute of
Maritime Law and Management, National University "Odesa Maritime Academy", Odesa, Ukraine.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0603-1399
**** PhD., Assistant Professor of the Department of Administrative Activities, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law and Private-
Law Disciplines, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan
Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2861-2514
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 136-161
Keywords: migration processes; illegal migration; migration policy;
migrants in Europe; immigration and integration.
Enfoques jurídicos para la regulación de los procesos
migratorios en la Unión Europea
Mediante una metodología interpretativa, el artículo examina los
enfoques de la regulación de los procesos migratorios a la luz del creciente
ujo de inmigrantes hacia la Unión Europea UE. En este contexto, se
consideran dos direcciones principales de regulación de los procesos
migratorios: la regulación legal y las medidas de integración. Todo permite
concluir que, la regulación jurídica internacional de los procesos migratorios
en la UE se basa en declaraciones, convenios, pactos y protocolos adoptados
y raticados, los cuales forman una base jurídica internacional general para
la regulación y gestión de los procesos migratorios a nivel interestatal. En
consecuencia, el análisis de la legislación migratoria y de la legislación
en frontera estatal permite distinguir tres tipos de documentos según su
contenido, que se relacionan con la lucha contra la migración irregular:
a) los actos jurídicos reglamentarios, determinan el modelo de entrada y
permanencia legal de un migrante el territorio del país; b) las normas de
aplicación de la ley establecen responsabilidades y regulan la aplicación de
otras medidas coercitivas en caso de violación de las normas migratorias, y;
c) los documentos de contenido organizacional determinan la competencia
de las autoridades involucradas en el proceso de lucha contra la inmigración
Palabras clave: procesos migratorios; migración ilegal; política
migratoria; migrantes en Europa; inmigración e
Activation of migration processes is one of the main trends of modern
world development. It is rst of all due to the unevenness of the economic
growth of dierent countries in terms of globalization, the diversity of inter-
ethnic, social, international conicts, and the peculiarities of demographic
processes in the regions. Mass migration posed two problems to society: the
integration of migrants into the host society and the permissible limits of its
change under the inuence of mass migrations.

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