Experience of conclusion and performance of engineering, procurement and construction contracts in post-Soviet countries

AutorVolodymyr Ustymenko - Vladyslav Teremetskyi - Kateryna Bida - Petro Denysyuk - Nataliia Novytska
CargoD. Sc (Law), Professor - Doctor of Law, Professor - PhD in Law, Associate professor - PhD in Law, Associate professor - D.Sc (Law), Professor
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
 
Expe rie nc e o f co nclu sio n
an d p erform an ce o f engine erin g,
pro cu rem en t an d con stru ctio n co ntracts
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpo l.4 0 74. 46
Vo lo dy m y r Us ty m en k o *
Vl a d sl av Te re m et sk y i **
K at er y na Bi da ***
Pe tr o D en y sy u k ****
Na t al iia No v yt sk a *****
Abst ra c t
The main p urpose of the ar ticle is t he an alysis of proper ties
        
describes the ways of relevan t adaptation of EPC contra cts in a ccor da nce
          
 
of th e post-Soviet space. Fin ally, it wa s con clu ded that the applica tion of
EPC con tracts, in the coun tries of th e post-Soviet sp ace, is con nected with
         
*              
              
Nati ona l Academ y of Scien ces of Uk rain e» of the N atio nal Acad em y of Science s of Ukr ain e, Kyiv,
**    
*** PhD in Law, Associ ate pr ofessor , Associat e Profe ssor of Civil, Trade a nd Com mer cial Law Cha ir of th e
Academ y of Labor , Social Rela tions a nd Tou rism, Kyiv, Uk raine . 
**** 
       
***** D.Sc (Law), Pr ofesso r, Pr ofessor of the D epar tmen t of Pr ivate La w State Tax Unive rsity, I rpin , Ukra ine.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 8 30- 848
    
    
Keyw o r ds:      
Experien cia de celebración y cumplim ient o de los
países postsoviéticos
Re s um e n
     
compr as y constr ucción (en lo su cesivo con tratos EPC) en Ucrania,
      
   
la sín tesis. Ta mbién se describe los modos de la a da pt ación per tin ente de
los autores han est ud iado d etalladamente los instrument os jurídicos que
pod rían ayudar a las p ar tes con tratantes a establecer el control debido
        
   
   
  
Pa lab ras cl ave :     
     
postsoviéticos .
In tr o d uct ion
In recent years, the ar ea of an alysis and adaptation of cont racts
       

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