Features of legal regulation of social protection in Sweden

AutorNataliya Mudrolyubova - Liudmyla Golovko - Tetiana Shevchenko - Artur Zamryha - Maksym Kutsevych
CargoNational Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine - National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine - Odessa Polytechnic State University, Odess?, Ukraine - Kyiv National EconomicUniversity named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Fe atures of le gal re gu lation of s ocial
pro te ctio n in Sw ede n
DO I: https:/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .46 39 8/ cue stp ol .40 74 .0 6
Na t al iy a M u dr ol yu b ov a *
Li ud m y la Gol ov ko **
Te ti an a S he vc he nk o ***
Ar tu r Za mr y ha ****
M ak sy m K ut se vy c h *****
Abst rac t
The purpose of th e r esear ch was t o determ in e Sweden’s
         
        
used, in particular the system fun ctional meth od, the method of
her m en eutics, dialectical an d statistica l methods. The authors
ass um e th at t he Sca ndi navia n m ode l of socia l pro tect ion ( Swede n,
        
mo re deve loped s ocial secu rity sys tem. I n Scan dina vian cou ntr ies th e stat e
model of social prot ect ion preva ils. The concept of “social protection ” in
these countries has been transformed in to the con cept of “social welfare”.
     
It is con cluded that the fu ndam ental prin ciple of the Swedish social model
its stu dy is part icularly relevan t. The article reveals th e ch ar acter ist ics of
        
   
Ke ywo rd s: 
*         
** 
*** 
****       
*****      
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 132- 147
social en Suecia
Re s um e n
     
            
 
particular el método fun cion al del sistema , el método de la hermeut ica,
los m étodos d ialécticos y estadísticos. Los autores suponen que el
     
          
     
de p rotección social. El concepto de « pr ot ección social» en estos países
se ha transforma do en el con cep to de «bien est ar social» . Este modelo
      
socia les. Se con cluye qu e el princip io fund ament al del m odelo social sueco
        
su estudio es esp ecialment e relevant e. El art ículo revela las ca racterística s
de la pr otección social contr a el desem pleo en Suecia. Se presta esp ecia l
at ención a la p rot ección de los d erech os d el niñ o y los as pect os de la polít ica
Pa lab ras cl ave :       
In tro d u ction
          
 
          
    
      
         
           
accor dan ce with mode rn so cietal r equir emen ts an d th e pace o f s cience.
          
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