Improved Planning of Information Policy in the Cyber Security Sphere under Conditions of Hybrid Threats

AutorViacheslav Dziundziuk - Olena Krutii - Roman Sobol - Tetiana Kotukova - Oleksandr Kotukov
CargoDoctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor - Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor - Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor - Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor - Candidate of Sciences in Sociology
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
 
Im pr oved Pla nn in g of In form ati on
Po licy in the Cybe r Security S ph ere un der
DO I: https :/ /do i. org /10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l.4 0 74 .4 1
Vi ac he sla v Dz iu nd zi uk *
Ol en a K ru t ii **
Ro m a n So b ol ***
Te ti an a K o tu ko va ****
Ol ek sa nd r Ko tu ko v *****
Abstra ct
         
   
threa ts, sta tes must develop common ap pr oaches to implement
sta te infor mation policy and ensure in forma tion cybersecurity. In the face
    
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inform ation securit y and in tr oduce new state stru ctures an d mech an ism s
       
the spher e of in for mation secur ity. It conclu des on th e need to counter
    
sup ra na tional levels and exp lain s the low level of information protection
in in dividual st ates and int ernational institutions. The Europ ean Un ion
Keyw o rds : information threatshybrid threatstate cybersecurity;
disinformationinformation policy
*Docto r of Scien ce in Pu blic Admin istr ation , Profe ssor, D epart men t of Pu blic Policy, I nstit ute o f Public
           
** D octor o f Science in Publi c Admini strat ion, P rofess or, Dep artm ent of Public Policy, In stitu te of Pu blic
           
*** Cand idat e of Scien ces in Pub lic Admin istr atio n, Associ ate P rofess or, De par tme nt of P ublic P olicy,
**** Ca ndid ate of Science s in P ublic Adm inistra tion , Associat e Pr ofessor , Depart men t of Pu blic Pol icy,
*****        
    
Viach eslav Dziun dziu k, Olena Krut ii, Rom an Sobol, Tetian a Kot ukov a y Oleksan dr Ko tuk ov
Imp roved Plan nin g of In form ation Policy in th e Cyber Se curit y Sphe re un der Cond ition s of
Hybr id Thr eats
Re s um e n
El est ud io tu vo com o obje tivo con sid erar el est ado actu al de la po lítica d e
 
 
  
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 
e introdu cir nuevas estructuras y mecanism os estatales para la d etección
          
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de p r ote cción de la in for m ació n e n lo s Es ta do s in divid u ales y las ins tit uci on es
int ernacionales. La Un ión Europ ea y la OTAN pu eden desempeñ ar un
papel cla ve de apoyo y ofrecer soporte cu an do las resp uestas nacion ales a
Pa lab ras cl ave :     
    
inform ación.
In tr o duc ti o n
          
        
in the nation al secur ity system (Hlushko et al 
info rma tion r esour ces re quire s a bro ad set of infor mat ion po licies.
At the state level, the top pr iority is the development of inform ation
         
        

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