Influence of state financial control on state authorities functioning

AutorMaxym Petrychuk - Iryna Chekhovska - Maryna Rudaia - Olga Koval - Vitalii Yatskovyna
CargoGraduate student group AP-20-3, Educational and scientific institute of law Department of Administrative and Economic Law and Customs Security State tax University, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine - Doctor in Law, Professor - Ph.D. in economics, associate professor - Ph.D. in Law, associate Professor - Ph.D. in Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
state a uth oritie s f un ctio nin g
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpo l.4 0 74. 18
M axy m P et ry c hu k *
Ir y na Ch ek ho vs ka **
M ar y na Ru d ai a ***
Ol ga Ko v al ****
Vi ta li i Ya t sk ov y na *****
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Max ym Petry chuk , Iry na Ch ekhov ska , Mar yna Rud aia, Olg a Kov al y V italii Y atsk ovy na
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In tr o d uction
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sta te of de velopm ent of econo mic re lation s in Uk rain e and the s tate o f war,
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th em in to line with th e req uirem ent s of the Euro pean Union , is of pr iority.

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