Institutional support for the development of eco-industrial parks in the conditions of the circular economy formation taking into account world experience

AutorAnna Pohrebniak - Nataliia Shevchuk - Svitlana Pereverzeva - Kateryna Redko - Andrii Tymoshenko
CargoPhD in Economics - PhD in Economics - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor - PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
In stitu tio na l suppo rt for
econo my fo rm atio n
ac co un t world ex perie nc e
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpol. 40 74 .2 4
An na Po hr eb n ia k *
Na t al iia Sh ev ch uk **
Sv it la na Pe re v er ze va ***
K at er y na Re dk o ****
An dr ii Ty m os he nk o *****
Abst ra ct
The art icle aims to sub stantiate t he principles of institutional
sup port for the development of eco-indu stria l parks in the
approach . It is based on the fact t ha t t he instit ut ion al support for the
development of eco-industr ial parks orients the actions of the a ut horit ies
    
           
sustaina ble development, with in teraction wit h the subjects of ter ritor ial
commu nities. It is conclu ded tha t in st itu tional su pp ort, should provide
        
of busin ess entities. I n add ition, the basis of instit ution al suppor t for pa rk
* PhD in Econ om ics, Associa te P rofes sor of t he De par tm ent of Econ omics and Ent rep ren eur shi p,
           
 
** Ph D in Eco nom ics, Asso ciate Profe ssor , Associat e Pr ofesso r of th e Dep art men t of Econom ics an d
*** Ph D in Econ omi cs, Associat e Pro fessor , Gener al Secr etar y of the I nte rna tiona l Cham ber o f Comme rce,
            
        
***** Doctor of Eco nom ic Science s, Associat e Pro fessor, Associate Profes sor of t he Dep artm ent of Fina nce,
          
 
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 4 40-4 55
development is ba sed on a systemic app roach , which is pr oposed in th e
   
Keyw o rds: pre-industrial parkinstitutional supportindustrial park
sustainable developmentcircular economy
Apoyo in stitucional para el d esarrollo d e parques
ecoind ustriales en las con dicion es de form ación de una
econ omía circular ten iendo en cuenta la experien cia
Re s um e n
El ar tículo t ien e por objeto fund am en tar los prin cipios d e apoyo
instituciona l pa ra el desarrollo d e parques eco-in du st riales en las
condiciones de formación de la economía circular teniendo en cu en ta ,
       
de p ar qu es eco-in dustriales orienta el acciona r d e las au torid ad es en
        
         
metas del desarrollo sostenib le, con in tera cción con los sujetos de las
comun idades terr itoriales. Se con cluye qu e el apoyo instit ucional, debe
       
apoyo in stitucion al para el d esarr ollo de p arqu es se fun damenta mediant e
un enfoqu e sistémico, qu e se propone en form a de r elación fun cion al
         
ins tituc ional d e esto s parq ues.
Pa lab ras cl ave :     
In tr o ductio n
       
            
circu lar economy. Th e prin ciples of the circular economy form at ion

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