International approaches to legal regulation of juvenile justice and juvenile prevention

AutorIgor Pastukh - Viktoriya Bass - Oleksii Bukhtiiarov - Olena Maksymenko
CargoDoctor of Law - PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine - Doctor of Law, Kyiv, Ukraine - PhD in Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
International approaches
to legal regulation of juvenile justice
and juvenile prevention
Igor Pastukh *
Viktoriya Bass **
Oleksii Bukhtiiarov ***
Olena Maksymenko ****
examines the features of juvenile justice and juvenile prevention
      
         
        
     
          
have been studied. Special attention is paid to the US experience in the
      
          
was studied. International systemic acts on the settlement of juvenile
      
  
Keywords:      
*  of the National Academy of Internal
 .
**         
Law, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine. 
***       
Service of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Kyiv, Ukraine.   
****   
               
Igor Pastukh, Viktoriya Bass, Oleksii Bukhtiiarov y Olena Maksymenko
International approaches to legal regulation of juvenile justice and juvenile prevention
de la justicia juvenil y la prevención juvenil
 
campo de la prevención juvenil y la justicia juvenil. El artículo examina las
características de la justicia juvenil y la prevención juvenil en diferentes
países, en particular, en los Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Francia,
los Países Bajos, Alemania, Italia y Ucrania. Se consideran los modelos
          
         
       
la prevención del delito entre los niños en diferentes países del mundo. Se
presta especial atención a la experiencia estadounidense en el campo de la
justicia juvenil y la prevención juvenil. En particular, se estudió el sistema
         
    
           
particular, por Ucrania.
Palabras clave: 
        
         
and assistance from the state, the implementation of the provisions of
    
  
     
    
with the law. At the same time, the implementation of these areas should
           
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