Legal Responsibility for Illicit Trade in Pharmaceuticals under Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic

AutorMariia Shcherbina - Mykhailo Akimov - Iryna Ozerna - Ilgar Huseynov - Halyna Rossikhina
CargoPostgraduate student - PhD in Legal Sciences - PhD in Law - PhD in Law - Doctor of Law Sciences
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Legal Re spo ns ibi lity fo r Illicit Trade in
Ph arm ace uti cals un de r Con dit ions of th e
DO I: https :/ / doi. org/ 10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l.4 07 4.11
M ar iia Sh ch er bi na *
M yk ha il o A ki mo v **
Ir y na Oz er na ***
Ilg a r H us ey n ov ****
Ha ly n a Ro ss ik hin a *****
Abstra ct
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The resear ch u sed meth ods of system atic approa ch, descrip tive
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to the conclusion tha t t he illicit trade in p ha rm aceut icals ma nifests itself
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         
        
Mar iia Sh cherb ina, M yk hailo A kim ov, I ryn a Ozer na, I lgar Huse yno v y H aly na R ossik hina
Legal Res pon sibilit y for Ill icit Tra de in Pha rm aceut icals u nd er Con ditio ns of t he Covid -19
Pan dem ic
Keyw o rds :      
Responsabilidad J urídica por Comercio Ilícito de
Productos Farmacéu ticos en Cond iciones de la Pand emia
Re s um e n
El objetivo de este estud io fue examin ar los tipos y medidas óptim os
           
        
       
    
y compar at ivos. Se ha est ablecido qu e el comercio ilícito de produ ctos
con la cor ru pción y el delito cib ertico. También el art ículo ha revelado
       
        
      
      
        
pr omet edor el desa rro llo de u n mod elo pa ra la activid ad de aplicac ión de la
         
      
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coun trie s of the world.

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