Narratives vs Ideology: new Dimensions of the Formation of National Unity in Ukraine

AutorTetiana Syvak - Olena Rachynska - Viktoriia Popova - Viktoriia Koltun - Nataliia Grynchuk
CargoDoctor of Science of Public Administration, Docent - Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Ph.D. in Public Administration - - eputy Head of the Division of Methodology of Resource Payments, Rent and Local Taxes and Fees from Legal Entities of the Unit of Administration of Resource Payments, Rent and Local Taxes and Fees from Legal ...
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Narratives vs Ideology:
new Dimen sion s o f th e Form atio n
of National Unity in Ukraine
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l. 40 74 .19
Te ti an a S y va k *
Ol en a R ac hy n sk a **
Vi kt or ii a P op ov a ***
Vi kt or ii a K ol tu n ****
Na t al iia Gr y nc hu k *****
Abst ra ct
The aim of th e article is t o justify inn ovat ive approaches for
of society. Th e article is based on the interdisciplinary app roach
       
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pos itio n, fr om th e su bjec t’s pos ition an d as a synt he tic n ar ra tive. The a ut hor s
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dis semin ation and have develop ed th eir con cept. Th e aut hors of the a rticle
 
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***** Candida te of Scien ce in Eco nom y, Ph.D. in Econo my, Docen t, Associa te Pr ofessor of the D epar tmen t
      
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Teti ana S yva k, Olen a Ra chyn ska , Vikto riia Pop ova , Vikt oriia K oltun y Na taliia Gryn chuk
Nar rative s vs Ide ology: ne w Dimen sion s of the Form ation of Nati onal Un ity in Ukrain e
     
actions in the pr ocess of in forma tion and com mun icat ion activit ies of the
sta te.
Keyw o rds        
formación de la unidad nacion al en Ucran ia
Re s um e n
           
artículo se basa en el enfoq ue int erdisciplin ar io y en talestod os
       
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     
en tre s ujeto s ins titu ciona lmen te d iferen tes d e la a dmin istr ación púb lica. Se
  
      
proceso desde la posición d el ob jeto, desde la p osición del sujeto y como
narrativa sintética. Los autor es h an fun damentado la s com unicacion es
    
con cepto. Los aut ores d el art ículo h an de most rado que la s comu nicacio nes
       
act ividade s de in forma ción y com uni cación d el Esta do.
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
In tr o ductio n
The problem of consolidation of society is curren t for all countries of
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development of th e st ate. Na tional un ity. Because the state, as a universal
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