On the Principles of Sanctions of Criminal Law Norms in the Context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Clarification of Definitions

AutorRoman Maksymovych - Oksana Gorpyniuk - Iryna Serkevych - Mykhailo Akimov - Petro Korniienko
CargoCandidate of Law (PhD) - Candidate of Law (PhD) - Candidate of Law (PhD) - Candidate of Legal Sciences - Dr. hab in Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
On the Prin ciple s o f Sancti on s
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpol. 40 74 .50
Ro m a n M ak sy m o vy c h *
Ok sa n a G or py n iu k **
Ir y na Se rk ev y ch ***
M yk ha il o A ki mo v ****
Pe tr o K o rn iie nk o *****
Abst ra ct
The aim of th e work was to deter mine the peculia rities of th e
principles of forma tion of san ctions of crimina l law n or ms in
the con dition s of the Russia n invasion of Ukraine. The meth od
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of sanction s in inter national law on the examp le of Russia’s violation of
me thod of anal ys is and synth esis an d des cript ive met hod wa s used , as well
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* Cand idate of Law (Ph D), Associat e Pro fessor o f the Dep artm ent of Crimin al Law Dis cipline s, Inst itut e
      
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** Can didat e of Law (Ph D), Associa te Pr ofessor of the De part men t of Crim inal Law D isciplin es, In stitu te
    
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*** Cand idat e of Law (Ph D), Associa te Pro fessor of the De part ment of Crimi nal Law Dis cipline s, Ins titut e
      
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***** Dr. hab in Law, Pr ofessor of th e Depa rtm ent o f Philoso phy, La w and So cial-H uma nita rian Disciplin es
Depa rtm en t of Ph ilosop hy, Law and Social- Hum an itar ian Discip lines the Facul ty of Fin anc e and
           

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