Peculiarities of personal data protection according to European and Ukrainian legislation

AutorLarysa Didenko - Ekaterina Spasova - Iryna Mykhailova - Olena Tserkovna - Volodymyr Yarmaki
CargoDoctor of Law - Ph.D. - Ph.D. - Ph.D. - Ph.D.
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Pe cu lia rities o f pe rs on al data
pro tecti on accordin g to Euro pe an
and Ukrainian legislation
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpol. 40 74 .3 2
Larysa Didenko *
Ekaterina Spasova **
Iryna Mykhailova ***
Olena Tserkovna ****
Volodymyr Yarmaki *****
Abst ra ct
        
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a result, in creased risk of their use to in terfer e in pr ivat e life. As a result,
      
which has beco me pa rticu larly no ticeab le after the a dopt ion of th e Gene ral
        
     
        
to p rivacy” an d “per sona l data prot ection ” wa s stud ied.
Keyw o r ds:        
* Docto r of Law, Ass ociat e pro fessor , Pr ofesso r of th e Dep art me nt o f Civil and Econo mic La w and
          
** Ph.D ., Associa te Pr ofessor of Civil La w Depa rtmen t of Nation al Univers ity “Odessa La w Acad emy”,
Odesa , Ukra ine.
*** Ph. D., Associa te Pr ofess or, P rofes sor o f Depar tm ent of Labo r, Lan d an d Com me rcial La w Leon id
      , Khm elnyt skyi, Ukr aine .  
****  ,
***** P h.D., Asso ciate Profe ssor of the Depa rtm en t of Con stit utio nal a nd I nt ern atio nal La w of th e
 ORCID ID 
 Lar ysa Didenk o, Ek ater ina S pasov a, Ir yn a My kha ilova , Olena Tserk ovn a y V olody my r Ya rm aki
Pecul iariti es of per sona l data prot ection accord ing to Europ ean a nd Uk rain ian legis lation
Peculiaridades de la protección de datos personales
Re s um e n
de la pr otección d e datos personales en los p aíses de la UE y Ucran ia. Se
          
de p rotección de dat os per son ales. La necesid ad de cam bios se deb ió al
  
a los principios de tratamien to lícito, leal y transpa rent e de los datos
        
          
 
en mater ia de p rotección de d at os p er son ales. Fina lmente, se estudió la
da tos pe rson ales».
Pa la bra s cla ve :      
der echo a la priva cidad .
In tr o ductio n
lead to th e need to pr otect the p rivate sphe re of hu man life. The a bility of a
pa rticu lar s tate to en sur e the per sona l dat a pr otect ion d eter min es its abilit y
          
 
Eur op ean Un ion law stipulates that the protection of individuals with
     
      

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