Remedies against Online Defamation of Public Figures

AutorDmytro Gryn - Denys Oliinyk - Oleksii Iakubin - Vasyl Rossikhin
CargoPostgraduate Student - PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor - PhD in Political Science, Senior Lecturer - Doctor of Law Sciences
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Re med ies agai ns t On lin e D efam atio n
of P ublic Figures
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /c ue stpo l. 40 74 .4 0
Dm y t ro Gr y n *
De ny s Ol iin y k **
Ol ek si i Ia ku bi n ***
Va sy l Ro ss ik hi n ****
Abst ra ct
In tern et is referr ed to as on line d efamation . However, Ukrain ian
  
       
The study revealed the main contradictions in d efamation
     
        
        
     
   
    
   
th e pop ulat ion. Pros pects for fut ur e res earch inclu de t he st ud y of the m ean s
of set tlem ent of d efama tion cases at the i nter nati onal leve l.
Keyw o rds:      
    
** PhD in Public Adm inistra tion, Associa te Profes sor, Depa rtmen t of Public P olicy, In stitut e of Pub lic
           
***              
           
**** 
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 72 2-740
Re s um e n
           
    
           
          
       
         
       
         
de Ucrania y otr os países d el m un do con respecto a la d ifam ación y la
protección con tr a la calumnia. Se estudian los aspectos internacion ales
de brin dar protección contr a la difama ción y las recomend aciones de los
 
y el derech o a la privacida d. Destacan en las con clusion es q ue estudio
        
        
caso s de di fa mació n a nive l inter nacio nal.
Pa lab ras cl ave :     
In tr o ductio n
Inform ation has becom e one of the most valuable resou rces. The
development of mean s of comm unication enabled distr ibution of
           
           
the pu blic att itude to cert ain events or individ uals. A particular polit ical
  
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