The role of the international institutions in the protection of human rights and freedoms in the sphere of national security

AutorIvo Svoboda - Oksana Epel - Susanna Suleimanova - Dmytro Ievenko - Olha Kovalova
CargoAssociate Professor - Doctor of Juridical Science - PhD in Law - PhD in Law - PhD in Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
The role o f th e internatio nal
in stitu tion s in the protecti on of
hum an righ ts an d fre ed om s in the
sphe re o f natio na l securit y
DO I: https:/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 639 8/ cu es tp ol. 40 74 .3 1
Iv o S vo b od a *
Ok sa n a Ep e l **
Su sa n na Su lei m an ov a ***
Dm y t ro Ie ve nk o ****
Ol ha Ko v al ov a *****
Abst rac t
         
secu rity also requ ires the transfor mation of internation al
freedoms. Therefore, th e aim of the ar ticle was to ident ify th e
          
      
      
is currently a dynam ic in crease in the num ber of int erna tiona l tr eaties
   
         
the com petence capacit y of institu tions seems to be lim ited in the face of
  
       
 
na tiona l secur ity.
*            
**         
*** PhD in Law, Assoccia te Pro fessor of t he Depa rtm ent of Civil Pr ocedur e, Nati onal Un iversity « Odessa
****           
*****     
         
Ivo Svobo da, Ok sana Epel, S usan na S uleim ano va, Dm yt ro Iev enk o y Olh a Kova lova
The r ole of the in terna tional in stitut ions in th e prote ction of hu man r ights an d freedom s in th e
sph ere of n ation al secu rity
Ke ywo rd s:      
El papel de las institu ciones internacionales en la
protección de los derech os hum anos y las libertades en el
Re s um e n
       
   
          
int erna cion ales en la protección de los derechos hum anos y las libert ades
         
         
         
       
           
procesados en trib un ales in tern acionales. Tod o permit e conclu ir que la
capacid ad com petencia l de las instit uciones parece esta r limitada ante el
mu ndo, lo que lleva a la n ecesidad de r efor mar los in stru mentos jur ídicos
int erna cionales y los p rocedimient os pertin entes para la protección de los
Pa lab ras cl ave : 
    
con senso político .
In tr o d uction
          
 
       
       
 

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