The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2014-2022: A Historical Retrospective

AutorIryna Kovalska-Pavelko - Oksana Vyhivska - Tatiana Voropayeva - Valentyna Olyanych - Oleksandr Babichev
CargoCandidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor - Ph.D. in History - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor - Doctor of Historical Sciences Associate Professor - Associate Professor
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2014–
2022: A Historical Retrospective
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpol. 40 74 .3 5
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Ok sa n a V y hiv s ka **
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Ol ek sa nd r Ba bi che v *****
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a historical an d ret rospective an alysis of the Russian-Ukrainian
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compared. Stru ctura l-funct ional, ret rospective, synchr onic an d diachr onic
resear ch meth ods ar e also used in the wor k. Th e resu lts show th at th e
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com preh ensive inter nat ional s uppo rt.
* Cand idat e of Hi stor ical Scie nces, Associat e Pr ofesso r, Oles Hon char Dnip ro N atio nal U niver sity,
        
** Ph .D. in H isto ry, Associ ate P rofes sor o f the Depar tm ent of Socia l Science s Depa rt men t of Soci al
ORCI D
*** 
Stud ies Taras Shevch enko Nat ional Unive rsity of Kyiv, Facu lty of Philoso phy, Cente r for Ukra inian
    
**** Doct or of H isto rical Scie nces Associat e Profe ssor , Profe ssor of Hist ory an d Socio -Econ omic D isciplin es
Facu lty of Presch ool and Sp ecial Edu cation an d Histo ry, Depar tment of Histor yandSocio- Econom ic
***** Associat e Professo r, Ph D in Histo ry (Can didate of Hist orical Scien ces) De par tment of Hist ory of
     

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