Transformación del sistema jurídico en tiempos de guerra: aspectos internacionales, administrativos y penales

AutorSvitlana Hretsa, Denys Tykhomyrov, Maryna Olashyn, Oksana Rudanetska, Halyna Bogoniuk
CargoUzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine/State and Law National academy of internal affairs. Ukraine/Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Lviv, Ukraine/Lviv National Environmental University, Dublyany, Ukraine/Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Lviv, Ukraine
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
and criminal aspects
DOI: 
Svitlana Hretsa *
Denys Tykhomyrov **
Maryna Olashyn ***
Oksana Rudanetska ****
Halyna Bogoniuk *****
The authors of the article discuss international humanitarian
law (IHL) as a normative mechanism for the protection and
    
         
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           
system of accountability and the failure to update the doctrine of IHL rules
      
* Doctor of Juridical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Comparative
** Doctor of Juridical Sciences, associated professor of Department of Theory of State and Law
National academy of internal affairs. ORCID ID:
*** 
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****        Law Lviv National Environmental
    
*****              
 Svitlana Hretsa, Denys Tykhomyrov, Maryna Olashyn, Oksana Rudanetska y Halyna Bogoniuk
Transformation of the legal system in a time of war: international, administrative, and criminal aspects
     
     
Transformación del sistema jurídico en tiempos de
Los autores del artículo discuten el derecho internacional humanitario
DIH como mecanismo normativo de protección y defensa de las víctimas
         
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de esta         
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       
  
Palabras clave:    
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     
      
history”   
mechanism of democratic states created in the world in the twentieth
     

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