Venezuela's Integration Initiatives Under Hugo Chavez: Current Influence and Future Prospects (PART II)

AuthorAna Carolina Romero
PositionUniversity of Bath, UK
Revista de Filosofía Jurídica, Social y Política
Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho Dr. J.M. Delgado Ocando
Universidad del Zulia. ISSN 1315-6268 - Dep. legal pp 199402ZU33
Vol. 20, No. 3, 2013: 390 - 410
Venezuela’s Integration Initiatives Under Hugo Chavez:
Current Influence and Future Prospects
Ana Carolina Romero
University of Bath, UK
This work originates in research divided into three case studies whose objec-
tive is to identify the different instruments through which Chavez exercised power.
The study is based on the assumption that the ensemble of these instruments acts
likes intermeshing gears to stimulate new methods for integration. After studying
ALBA, explained as Chavez’s main tool to strengthen tactical and strategic alliances
with Latin Americans, three other initiatives are presented: Telesur, the Bank of
the South and Petro-America. With Telesur, Chavez used the media and telecom-
munications as an integrating instrument to unify peoples. The Bank of the South
and Petro-America (financial and energetic-infrastructural integration), unlike
Telesur and ALBA, have yet to be established and institutionalized. Chavez, there-
fore, strategically promoted a holistic, integrated bloc with the use of the media as
the key linking instrument.
Keywords: Telesur, ALBA, Latin America, TLC, Washington Consensus, Bank of
the South, Petro-America, Bolivarianism.
Recibido: 06-08-2013 ·Aceptado: 08-11-2013
Iniciativas de integración de Venezuela
en el gobierno de Hugo Chávez: influencias
actuales y perspectivas para el futuro
Este trabajo se origina en una investigación dividida en tres proyectos consi-
derados cada uno como un estudio de caso cuyo objetivo es el de identificar los di-
ferentes instrumentos mediante los cuales Chávez ejerce el poder. La investigación
se basa en la hipótesis de que el conjunto de esos instrumentos actúa en la forma de
un sistema de redes que estimulan nuevos métodos de integración. Después de es-
tudiar el ALBA concebida como la principal herramienta de Chávez para reforzar
alianzas tácticas y estratégicas con los latinoamericanos, se analizan otros tres pro-
yectos integracionistas, referidos a comunicación e ideología (Telesur), financia-
miento (Banco del Sur) y Energía (Petro-América). Con Telesur, Chávez utiliza los
medios de comunicación como un instrumento de integración para unir a los pue-
blos. El Banco del Sur y Petro-América (integración financiera y energetico-infras-
tructural), a diferencia de Telesur y ALBA, requieren todavía ser establecidos e ins-
titucionalizados. Por lo tanto, Chávez promueve estratégicamente un bloque holísti-
co integrado, con el uso de los medias como piedra angular.
Palabras claves: ALBA, Latinoamérica, Integración, TLC, Consenso de Washing-
ton, Bolivarianismo.
1. Introduction
In 1998 Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías was for the first time elected Presi-
dent of Venezuela, introducing the concept of “Socialism of the XXI century”.
As the President of Venezuela, he has been trying for the last fourteen
years to export his “Bolivarian Revolution” to Latin America and the Car-
ibbean in an attempt to use it as a tool to integrate the region. The dra-
matic increases of oil prices in those years and the support of left-leaning
governments and the masses have made Chávez an influential figure in the
region. His influence in the area can be explored by examining the four in-
tegrationist proposals he has put forth: the Bolivarian Alternative for the
Americas (ALBA), Television del Sur (Telesur), Banco del Sur (Bank of the
South) and Petro-America.
Venezuela’s integration initiatives under Hugo Chávez:
current influence and future prospects 391

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