Interacción entre autoridades públicas e instituciones de la sociedad civil en el ámbito de la prevención y combate a la corrupción

AutorLiudmyla Antonova, Dmytro Mishchenko, Ivan Bandura , Vahif Abdullayev, Oleksandr Dolhyi
CargoDoctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Department of Accounting and Audit, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. / Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Department of State, Local and Corporate Finance, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine. / Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, ...
Antonova, Mishchenko , Bandura , Abdullayev and Dolhyi / Interacción entre autoridades públicas e
instituciones de la sociedad civil en el ámbito de la prevención y combate a la corrupción
Interacción y Perspectiva Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Revista de Trabajo Social ISSN 2244-808X
Vol. 12 No1 76-92 pp. Copyright © 2022
Interacción entre autoridades públicas e instituciones de la sociedad
civil en el ámbito de la prevención y combate a la corrupción
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6555412
Liudmyla Antonova *, Dmytro Mishchenko **, Ivan Bandura ***,
Vahif Abdullayev ****, Oleksandr Dolhyi *****
El artículo corrobora la relevancia del estudio para la Ucrania moderna de la interacción
de las autoridades públicas y las instituciones de la sociedad civil en el campo de la
prevención y lucha contra la corrupción. Se realiza el análisis de las últimas
investigaciones temáticas y publicaciones. El documento resume y destaca las
principales direcciones y formas de mejorar la interacción de las autoridades públicas y
las instituciones de la sociedad civil en el campo de la prevención y el combate a la
corrupción e identifica las más efectivas y prometedoras. Se identifican las principales
razones de la interacción destructiva entre las autoridades públicas y las instituciones
de la sociedad civil (bajo nivel de conciencia legal, falta de mecanismos efectivos de
retroalimentación entre la sociedad y el estado). Se dan instrucciones temáticas sobre
una mayor interacción anticorrupción del estado (autoridades públicas) con la sociedad
civil (instituciones de la sociedad civil). Se presenta un modelo conceptual del
mecanismo de interacción entre el Estado y la sociedad civil en el campo de la prevención
y combate a la corrupción. El artículo formula y resuelve un problema científico de
actualidad en el campo de la administración pública, que consiste en resumir y destacar
las principales direcciones y formas de mejorar la interacción de las autoridades públicas
y las instituciones de la sociedad civil en la prevención y lucha contra la corrupción e
identificar las más eficaces y prometedoras.
Palabras clave: Actividades anticorrupción, Administración pública, Instituciones de la
sociedad civil, Corrupción, Autoridades públicas
Interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions in the field
of preventing and combating corruption
The article substantiates the relevance of the study for modern Ukraine of the interaction
of public authorities and civil society institutions in the field of preventing and combating
corruption. The analysis of the last thematic researches and publications is carried out.
The paper summarizes and highlights the main directions and forms of improving the
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 12 No 1 / enero-junio, 2022
interaction of public authorities and civil society institutions in the field of preventing and
combating corruption and identifies the most effective and promising of them. The main
reasons for the destructive interaction between public authorities and civil society
institutions are identified (low level of legal awareness, lack of effective feedback
mechanisms between society and the state). Topical directions on further anti-corruption
interaction of the state (public authorities) with civil society (civil society institutions)
are given. A conceptual model of the mechanism of interaction between the state and
civil society in the field of preventing and combating corruption is presented. The article
formulates and solves a topical scientific problem in the field of public administration,
which is to summarize and highlight the main directions and forms of improving the
interaction of public authorities and civil society institutions in preventing and combating
corruption and identify the most effective and promising.
Key words: Anticorruption activities, public administration, Civil society institutions,
Corruption, Public authorities.
Recibido: 25/02/2022 Aceptado: 15/03/2022
* Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Department of Accounting and Audit, Petro Mohyla Black Sea
National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
** Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Department of State, Local and Corporate Finance, University
of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine. E-mail:
*** Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv,
Ukraine. E-mail: bandura
**** Black Sea National University named after P. Mohyla, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
***** Department for Development of Professional Development Programs and Needs Analysis of the Training
Center, Ukrainian School of Government, Irpin, Ukraine. E-mail:
1.- Introduction
At the present stage of development of the Ukrainian state, corruption is one of the
most important political, economic and social problems, since it entails a number of
negative consequences: it withdraws a significant amount of funds necessary for the life
of the country from the domestic economy; significantly reduces the level of trust and
worsens the state of the attitude of the population to the government and its bodies;
slows down, or completely levels out the growth of the quality of life of the population,
The modern experience of mutual relations between public authorities and civil
society institutions demonstrates that through national specifics, economic, political,
social and other conditions that reflect culture, history, traditions, etc. countries, the
above entities do not have a universal way of effective interaction. Therefore, there is
an urgent need to consider and improve the effectiveness of the mechanisms of this
interaction and propose measures to establish constructive relations between public
authorities and civil society institutions in modern Ukraine.

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