Productividad en instituciones de educación superior dentro de la digitalización

AutorOlga Kravchenko, Olga E. Vinokurova Vinokurova, Vitaly M. Smolentsev, Rafina R. Zakieva
CargoDepartamento de Disciplinas Jurídicas, Universidad Federal de Kazán, Rusia. / Universidad Federal del Noreste de M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk, Rusia. Departamento de Teorías y Principios de Educación Física y Seguridad de la Vida, Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte. / Universidad Agraria Estatal de Kuban de I.T. Trubilin,Krasnodar, Rusia. ...
Kravchenko, Vinokurova, Smolentsev y Zakieva / Productividad en instituciones de educación superior
dentro de la digitalización
Interacción y Perspectiva Dep. Legal ppi 201002Z43506
Revista de Trabajo Social ISSN 2244-808X
Vol. 11 No2 154-169 pp. Copyright © 2021
Olga Kravchenko*, Olga E. Vinokurova**, Vitaly M. Smolentsev*** y Rafina R. Zakieva****
Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la productividad de los docentes en el
contexto de la digitalización de la educación y la implementación de tecnologías digitales
en el proceso de trabajo de las instituciones de educación superior. Los autores subrayan
varios factores que inciden en la productividad de los docentes: organizativos y
económicos, materiales y técnicos, científicos e innovadores, factores sociales. El tamaño
de la muestra de este estudio es de 91 profesores, profesores asociados, asistentes,
profesores jóvenes y profesores incluidos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el
proceso de digitalización de la educación brinda a los docentes la oportunidad de
incrementar la productividad laboral en más de un 47а, ya que las tecnologías
innovadoras ahorran tiempo para la preparación de clases y reducen la intensidad
laboral. Pero la presencia de analfabetismo informático entre algunos empleados reduce
la productividad laboral en un 10а y la intensidad laboral aumenta en un о0а, por lo
que mejorar la alfabetización informática y los cursos de actualización ocupan la mayor
parte del tiempo que los docentes podrían dedicar al trabajo. Se concluye que el
desarrollo de la digitalización en la educación en general tiene un efecto positivo en la
eficiencia del trabajo de los docentes, pero también tiene aspectos negativos, por lo que
el autor dio algunas recomendaciones con el fin de mejorar este proceso.
Palabras clave: digitalización; trabajo del maestro; intensidad de trabajo, eficiencia,
This study is aimed at determining the teachers’ productivity in the context of
digitalization of education and the implementation of digital technologies in the process
of higher educational institutions work. The author underlines several factors that affect
the teachers’ productivity: organizational and economic, material and technical factors,
scientific and innovative, social factors. The sample size of this study is 91 teachers,
associate professors, assistants, young teachers, and professors included. The obtained
results show that the process of digitalization of education provides teachers with the
opportunity to increase labor productivity by more than 47а, since innovative
technologies save time for preparing for classes and reduce labor intensity. But the
presence of computer illiteracy among some employees reduces labor productivity by
10а, and labor intensity increases by о0а, therefore, improving computer literacy and
refresher courses take up most of the teachers' time that they could spend on work. It
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 11 No 2 / julio-diciembre, 2021
is concluded that the development of digitalization in education in general has a positive
effect on the efficiency of teachers' work, but it also has negative aspects, therefore,
some recommendations were given by the author in order to improve this process.
Keywords: digitalization; teacher's work; labor intensity, efficiency, process
Recibido: 25/11/2021 Aceptado: 05/12/2021
* Departamento de Disciplinas Jurídicas, Universidad Federal de Kazán, Rusia. E-mail:
** Universidad Federal del Noreste de M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk, Rusia. Departamento de Teorías y Principios
de Educación Física y Seguridad de la Vida, Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte. E-mail:
***Universidad Agraria Estatal de Kuban de I.T. Trubilin,Krasnodar, Rusia. Departamento de Matemática
Superior. E-mail: ср
**** Universidad Estatal de Ingeniería Eléctrica de Kazán, Rusia. Departamento de electrónica industrial e
ingeniería de iluminación. E-mail:
1.- Introduction
Digitalization is a current trend in the global social, industrial and educational
systems. Over the past decades, scientists and educators have drawn attention to the
importance of improving the quality of education. In modern conditions, new scientific
discoveries, technological innovations, an increase in the quality of intellectual capital,
mobile communications, the dynamic development of information and computer
technologies, and the expansion of business space are becoming the most important
factors of economic growth. The widespread introduction of information and
communication technologies in the field of education is the most important technological
feature of the development of modern space. In the process of informatization,
information and technological breakthroughs are closely intertwined into a single
process, which tends to accelerate itself. This means the continuous development of
information and communication technologies (ICT), which results in a qualitative update
of the technological base. The role of information technologies in the development of
society is to accelerate the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new
knowledge by society.
In the history of the development of civilization, there have been several information
revolutions, when cardinal changes in the field of information processing have led to the
transformation of social relations, the acquisition of a new quality by human society. The
first revolution was associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant
qualitative and quantitative leap in the development of society. There was an opportunity
to transfer knowledge from generation to generation. The second (mid-16th century)
was caused by the invention of printing, which radically changed industrial society,
culture, and the organization of activities.
The third (late 19th century) is due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which
the telegraph, telephone, radio appeared, allowing the prompt transmission and
accumulation of information in any volume. The fourth (70s of the twentieth century) is
associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the emergence of a
personal computer. Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems are
created on microprocessors and integrated circuits.

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