Combating sports corruption: an analysis of international regulations

AutorOlha Bondarenko - Maryna Utkina - Oleg Reznik - Petro Malanchuk - Vitalii Yurakh
CargoDepartment of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University, Ukraine - Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University, Ukraine - Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University, Ukraine - Department of Justice, Faculty of Law, Sumy National Agrarian University, ...
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Combating sports corruption: an
analysis of international regulations
Olha Bondarenko *
Maryna Utkina **
Oleg Reznik ***
Petro Malanchuk ****
Vitalii Yurakh *****
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corruption measures in this area depends mainly on the transparency of
their activities. Another area of corruption in sport is determined to be
Keywords:      
* 
**  
***  
****         ,   
   
***** Department of Law and Law Enforcement of the Central Ukrainian  

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