Events in eastern and southern Ukraine in retrospect of post-soviet relations

AutorIryna Krasnodemska - Hanna Chechelnytska
CargoCandidate of Historical Sciences, head of the Department of Historical Studies Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies, street Isaacyan, Kyiv, Ukraine - Ph.D. docent Associate Professor University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro)
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Events in eastern and southern Ukraine
in retrospect of post-soviet relations
Iryna Krasnodemska *
Hanna Chechelnytska **
relations and the course of events in eastern and southern Ukraine
       
        
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Ukraine’s international subjectivity, which are permanent
factors in bilateral relations with the Russian Federation. In this
     
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         
    
    
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    
The competent state authorities must calculate the amount of material and
Keywords:       
* Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the Department of Historical Studies Research Institute of
** Ph.D. docent Associate Professor University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro), Department of History
              
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 506-526
Acontecimientos en el este y el sur de Ucrania en la
retrospectiva de las relaciones postsoviéticas
          
interestatales y el curso de los acontecimientos en el este y el sur de
          
comparativo-jurídico para resolver el problema planteado. El artículo
            
           
y políticos en la Ucrania postsoviética a través del proceso de formación
  
en las relaciones bilaterales con la Federación Rusa. En este contexto, se
demuestra la incapacidad de Rusia para reconocer a Ucrania como un actor
internacional de pleno derecho a nivel jurídico y sustantivo. Se concluye
        
          
          
         
crímenes de lesa humanidad. Las autoridades estatales competentes deben
calcular la cantidad de daño material y moral causado por Rusia.
Palabras clave:       
     
        
authors, so in this study it will be considered only schematically, in order to
        
the problematic of subjectness (corporate identity), demonstrates the close
    
of Russia on the processes of state and nation in Ukraine and the course of
     
with the EU, NATO, as well as democratic transformation as a process of
        
an international actor is inextricably linked to the assertion of its own

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