Experience of legal support in electoral processes in Denmark, New Zealand and USA: possibility of use in Ukraine

AutorOleh Martseliak - Svitlana Martseliak - Viacheslav Shamrai - Hanna Zubenko - Kateryna Danicheva - Valeriy Velychko
CargoDoctor in Law, Professor - Ph.D. in Law - PhD hab. (Law) - Ph.D. in Law - Ph.D. in Law - Ph.D. in Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Expe rie nc e o f le gal s up po rt in e lecto ral
processes in Denmark, New Zealand and
USA: possibility of use in Ukraine
DO I: https :/ /do i. org /10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l.40 74 .16
Ol eh Ma rt se li ak *
Sv it la na M ar ts el ia k **
Vi ac he sla v Sh am r ai ***
Ha n na Zu be nk o ****
K at er y na Da ni ch ev a *****
Va le ri y Vel y chk o ******
Abstra ct
The aim of th e ar ticle was to discuss conceptual ideas on th e
      
Zeala nd a nd t he Un ited Stat es, as we ll as to iden tify opp ortu nit ies
to u se t he positive experien ce of these coun tries in Ukraine.
The art icle u ses such meth ods as dialectical, comparative law, system-
that, despite th e ability of EU countries t o introdu ce their own elector al
           
ever yone t o vote or be elected is ensured by comp liance wit h int ernational
      
         
          
* Docto r in Law, P rofesso r, Hea d of the D epart men t of Const itutio nal Law, Ta ras Sh evchenk o Nation al
** 
*** PhD hab. (Law) , Doctor in Law, assist ant pr ofessor of t he Depar tmen t of Constit utiona l Law, Taras
Shevch enko Nati onal U niver sity of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukr ain e.   
**** Ph .D. in Law, Associa te pr ofess or, as sista nt profe ssor of the D epar tm ent of Const itut iona l and
***** Ph .D. in La w, Associa te pr ofesso r, as sista nt p rofes sor o f the De par tme nt o f Const itut iona l and
****** 
    
Oleh M art seliak , Sv itlan a M art seliak , Via chesla v Sh am rai , Han na Zube nko , Kate ry na
Dan icheva y Va leriy Velych ko
Exper ience of legal su ppor t in e lector al pro cesses in Den mar k, New Zea land and U SA: possib ility
of use in Ukra ine
ide ntify po ssible wa ys to im prove i t.
Keyw o rds :      
en Ucran ia
Re s um e n
El objetivo del art ículo fue discu tir ideas concept uales sobr e el estado
          
         
tales com o el dialéctico, derech o comparado, sistem a-estructural, form al-
            
   
          
        
     
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Pa lab ras cl ave :   elecciones   sistem a
electoral pr oceso e lector al.
In tr o duc ti o n
It i s well kn own t hat elect ions are t he fou nd atio n of a d em ocrat ic socie ty.
          
     
       

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