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AutorViktor Savchenko - Oleksandra Dotsenko - Volodymyr Iashchenko - Oleksandr Boyarskyy - Viktor Shemchuk
CargoPh.D in Law - Ph.D in Law - Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
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DO I: https :/ / doi. org/ 10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l.4 07 4.12
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** Ph.D in Law, Asso ciate Profes sor, D epar tm ent o f Law, Khm elnyt skyi In stit ute o f Trade and Econo mics,
          
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***** Doctor of J uridica l Science s, Pr ofessor , Depart ment of Th eory of Law, Con stit ution al and P rivate
  
   
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 2 24-24 5
Keyw o rds :    
Cobertura juríd ica de la manifestación de testamen tos
Re s um e n
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jurídico com parado y el métod o de observación . El estudio mostr ó que la
ma nifestación efectiva de la volunt ad requiere u na mayor implem entación
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ser vir para aument ar la capacidad de pa rticipación y discus ión ciud adan a.
Se fun da menta q ue las direccion es p riorit ar ias de los cam bios en los
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electnica .
In tr o duc tio n
The concept of free will is cr ucial for both individu al a nd social life.
Freedom of will can be establishe d in term s of the ability to act oth erwise,
should be exercised by a p erson wit hout the inter ference of an y people or
me chanism s in th e pro cedur e. The sa id decision s cannot possibly be fr ee if
 

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