Legal tools of security of the financial sector of Ukraine

AutorVolodymyr Kantsir - Olena Ryashko Ryashko - Anastasia Baran - Roman Shay - Eduard Solovyov
CargoDoctor of Law, Professor - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor - Doctor of Law - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor - Deputy Chief of the Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in Kyiv, Deputy Chief, Kyiv, Ukraine
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpol. 40 74 .0 2
Vo lo dy m y r Ka nt s ir *
Ol en a R y as hk o **
An as t as ia Ba ra n ***
Ro m a n Sh a y ****
Ed ua r d S olo v y ov *****
Abst ra ct
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Nat ional Secur ity of Ukra ine” with the term “econom ic secur ity” as a st ate
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th e dom inan t prim ary s ources of infor mati on for r isk ass essm ent a ctivities
in t he po licies of th e Direc torat e of Econ omic Sec urity is supp orte d.
Keyw o r ds:     
* Docto r of Law, P rofes sor, Profe ssor of of th e Depa rt men t of Crim inal Law an d Pr oced ure at Lviv
Polyte chnic N ation al Unive rsity, Lviv, U krain e. OR
** Can dida te of Law, Associa te Pro fessor, Asso ciate Pr ofessor of the Dep artm ent of Cri minal P rocedu re
   OR
*** Docto r of Law, Assista nt of the Depa rtm en t of Crim ina l Law an d Pr oced ure at Lviv P olytech nic N atio nal
**** Can did ate o f Law, Associa te Pr ofess or, Ass ociat e Pro fessor of Crim ina l Law an d Pr ocedu re Lviv
Polyte chnic N ation al Unive rsity, Lviv, U krain e. OR
*****               
Ukra ine in Kyiv, Deput y Chief, Kyiv, Ukr aine. OR 

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