Prioritizing Factors Affecting Sexual Victimization of Children and Identifying Personality Characteristics of Sex Delinquents in Iran

AutorSahand Mahdavi Zargar - Shahla Moazami - Shadi Azimzadeh
CargoPhD Student, Department of Law, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran - Associate Professor, Department of Law, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Victimiz atio n o f Child ren an d Id en tifyin g
Pe rs on ality Ch aracte ris tics of Se x
Deli nqu en ts in Iran
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /c ue st pol. 40 74 .52
Sa ha n d M a hd av i Z ar ga r *
Sh ah la Mo a za m i **
Sh ad i A zi m za de h ***
Abst ra ct
        
   
        
of children and adolescen ts as well as t o identify the p erson ality
characteristics of sex delin qu ents in the crim inal ju stice system
            
(qu alit at ive and quan tit at ive) and practical in t erms of pu rpose. The
qu alita tive sec tion has r eviewed the pre vious lit era tur e an d th e qua ntit ative
         
    
     
       
         
        
rela ted to th e economic and social factors, and the lowest ra nk is relat ed
       
parameter s are app roved by expert s and have th eoretical suppor t tha t can
Keyw o rds:      
*  
**      
*** 
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 9 36-95 2
las características de personalida d de los delin cuentes
Re s um e n
           
         
         
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per sonalidad de los delincu en tes sexu ales en el sistema de justicia penal
             
pr opósi to. La se cción cu alita tiva h a revis ado la litera tur a pr evia y la se cción
         
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         
   
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
In tr o ductio n
Sex crimes ar e on e of the oldest human devia tions, whose t ra ces can
     et a l    
mu rde r an d ass ault , are co nsid ered one o f the m ost impo rta nt cr imes in th e
of special imp ortance in Iran d ue to Sh ar ia a nd Islam ic law. The Isla mic
postven tion and reduction of these cr im es, like ot her cr imes, have always
 
          
  
     

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