Prospects of state regulation of venture entrepreneurship in Ukraine

AutorMaryna Tymoshenko - Nataliia Bondarchuk - Iryna Lytvyn - Iuliia Kostynets - Oksana Bieliakova
CargoPhD in technical sciences - Doctor of Science in State Administration, Professor - Candidate of economics sciences PhD - Doctor of Science in Economics - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Pr os pe cts of stat e regula tio n o f ve ntu re
DO I: https :/ /do i. org /10 .4 63 98 / cu es tpo l.4 0 74 .0 3
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Abstra ct
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sta tistical data, the article reveals the essence of venture
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ventur e in vest ments on th e in novative develop ment of th e
Ukrainian econ om y in conditions of lim ited st ate resou rces. It
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investm en t climate and expand ven tu re investm en t in Ukr aine,
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for the developm en t of infrast ru ctu re un its of the en tr epren eu rship
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entrepr eneur sh ip in th e real sector of the econ om y, as well as in the
pr ojects with a n em pha sis on the defen se ind ust rial co mple x, IT sph ere a nd
* PhD in tech nica l scien ces, Associ ate p rofes sor of D epar tme nt o f Entr epr ene ursh ip an d Bu sines s
Econ omics o f Univers ity of Cust oms a nd Fi nanc e, Dnip roDn ipro 
** Doct or of Scien ce in St ate Adm inist ratio n, Pr ofessor , Head of
adm inis tra tion of       Dnip ro,   
*** Cand idat e of econ omics sc iences P hD, 
Depa rtm ent of     Lviv, U krain e. OR  
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 Mar yn a T ym os hen ko, N at aliia Bond ar chuk , Ir yn a Ly tv y n, Iu liia K osty ne ts y Oks ana Bielia kov a
Pros pects of stat e regul ation of ventu re en trep ren eursh ip in Ukrain e
Ke ywo rd s:     
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etc. Se concluye con r ecomen dacion es sobre la necesid ad de aum en tar el
con un énfa sis en el complejo ind ustrial de defensa, la esfera d e TI y la
con stru cción, en tre otra s.
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
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In tr o duc ti o n
Creation of a favorable investm en t clima te is one of th e m ain mean s
      
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