Public services in the field of social protection of the population: international experience, administrative and penal aspects

AutorTetiana Arifkhodzhaieva - Oksana Panova - Vladyslav Lazariev - Yuliia Zhyvova - Oleh Shkuta
CargoCandidate of Legal Science - Doctor of Law, Professor - Director of the Institute of Law and Specialist Training for National Police Units of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine - Candidate of Science of Law - Professor, Doctor of Science in law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
social p rotecti on of the p opu latio n:
in tern atio na l experie nce , ad mi nistra tive
an d p en al aspe cts
DO I: h ttp s: / / do i. or g/ 10 .4 6 3 98 / c ue s tp ol .4 0 74 .0 0
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in the sphere of socia l pr otection of popu lat ion . It is conclud ed th at th e
 
public services in the sp here of social protection of popu lat ion in Ukrain e
          
admin istration subjects on t he pr ovision of pu blic ser vices in the sphere
        
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pr ovision of pub lic service s in th e sph ere o f social p rotec tion o f popu lation .
*        
** Doct or o f Law, Pr ofess or, P rofes sor o f the Depa rtm en t of Crim in al Law a nd P roce dur e Na tion al
Aviation Univer sity. Ukr aine . 
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**** Can didate of Science of Law , Ass ociate Pr ofessor o f the Depa rtmen t of Admin istrat ive and Cr iminal
    
***** P rofes sor, Docto r of Scien ce in law, Pr ofess or a t th e Dep art me nt o f Profe ssion al an d Sp ecial
    

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