Regional leadership as an element of Ukraine's geopolitical strategy

AutorOlha Kravchuk - Maryna Shulga - Oksana Deliia - Neonila Krasnozhon - Oleksandr Kuchyk - Inna Kostyrya
CargoPhD in Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences - PhD in History Sciences - PhD in History Sciences - PhD in History Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Regional leadership as an element of
Ukraine’s geopolitical strategy
Olha Kravchuk *
Maryna Shulga **
Oksana Deliia ***
Neonila Krasnozhon ****
Oleksandr Kuchyk *****
Inna Kostyrya ******
The aim of the article was to identify the current status and
       
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pandemic. Observation, the comparative method and the neo-
      
       
    
        
their partnerships. The authors of the research supported the point of
view of adherents to the concept that Ukraine is interested in the political
         
country’s political and economic opportunities is an appropriate context for
* PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanitarian
 
** Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of Public Administration, Educational and
*** 
****    
***** PhD in History Sciences, Assocciate Professor at the Department of International Relation and
  
****** Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of PR,
           
Olha Kravchuk, Maryna Shulga, Oksana Deliia, Neonila Krasnozhon y Oleksandr Kuchyk y Inna Kostyrya
Regional leadership as an element of Ukraine’s geopolitical strategy
to improve democracy.
Keywords:     
     
        
  
     
          
    
           
estudio comparativo de la cooperación de Ucrania con diferentes países y
políticas y económicas del país es un contexto apropiado para reformar los
       
para mejorar la democracia.
Palabras clave    
     
plataformas políticas.
In the current context, any event that is related to international relations

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