Regulatory policy of the foreign economic activity of the state

AutorNila Tiurina - Ievgeniia Shelest - Illya Khadzhynov - Oksana Ivashchenko - Olha Harva
CargoPhD in Economics, Professor - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor - PhD in Economics
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Re gulato ry p olicy o f th e fo reign
econ om ic act ivity o f th e s tate
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpo l.4 074 .2 8
Ni la Tiu ri na *
Ie vg en ii a S he les t **
Ill y a K ha d zh y no v ***
Ok sa n a Iv a sh ch en ko ****
Ol ha Ha r va *****
Abst ra ct
The subject of th e article was the a nalysis of th e st at e
and the development of relevant dir ections for its adaptation
          
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activity in Ukr aine was form ed. Peculiarit ies of implementation
of inter national trade activities in the con dit ion s of martial la w
      
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directions with r esp ect to sup port of bu sin ess en tities have been stu died.
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sta nda rds of E urop ean co untr ies.
Keyw o r ds:      
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***** PhD in Eco nomics , Associat e Profes sor, Associ ate Pr ofessor of the Dep artm ent of Econom ic Theor y,
        
 Nila Tiuri na, Ie vgen iia Sh elest, I llya Kh adz hyn ov, Ok sana Iva shchen ko y Olha H arva
Regula tor y policy of th e forei gn econ omic a ctivity o f the st ate
exteriores del Estado
Re s um e n
de la s or ien tacion es p ertin entes para su adecua ción en las con diciones de
         
la im plementación de la actividad econ óm ica extr an jer a en Ucrania . Se
det erminan la s peculiar ida des de la im plementación de activida des de
          
las p érdid as del pot encial industrial d e Ucr an ia durant e las operaciones
militares. Se estim an las ta sas de disminución de las operaciones d e
exportación e imp or tación du rante el período d e la ley marcial. Se ha
          
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respecto a l apoyo de las entid ad es comerciales. En las conclusiones se
          
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           
ad apta do a las norm as d e los paí ses eur opeo s.
Pa lab ras cl ave :     
In tr o duct io n
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all levels. On e of these directions is th e for mation of a new mechanism of
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      
to ensure th e income of the state and en terprises, and th e sear ch for n ew
form s of interaction in the business envir on ment for th e sale of dom estic
pr oduct s and service s on in tern ation al ma rket s.
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dom est ic int ere sts a nd the econo mic s ecur ity of th e st ate . Howe ver, Ru ssia ’s

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