Security of the participants in the criminal process: procedural and criminological aspects

AutorMykhailo Huzela - Iryna Shulhan - Ruslan Shekhavtsov - Andrii Khytra - Maryna Kukos
CargoPhD in Law - PhD in Law - Candidate of legal sciences - Candidate of legal sciences - Candidate of Higher Education
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Se cu rity of th e p articip an ts in the
cr im inal p ro cess : pro cedu ral an d
cr im ino logi cal a spe cts
DO I: https :/ / doi.o rg/ 10 .4 639 8 / cuestp o l.40 74 .0 1
M yk ha il o H uz el a *
Ir y na Sh ul ha n **
Ru sl an Sh ek ha v ts ov ***
An dr ii Kh y tr a ****
M ar y na Ku k os *****
Abst rac t
This article is devoted t o the stu dy of proced ur al and
       
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str uctural un it for the implem en tation of measur es t o protect persons
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* PhD in Law, Associ ate Pr ofessor o f the Dep artm ent Cr imina l law and Crimin al Proce dure at n stitu te
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** PhD in Law, Assista nt of the Departm ent Crim inal law a nd Crim inal Pro cedure a t nstit ute of Law,
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My kha ilo Huz ela, Ir yn a Sh ulhan , Ru slan Shek hav tsov , And rii Khy tr a y M ary na Kukos
Secur ity of th e par ticipan ts in the cr imin al pro cess: pr ocedu ral a nd cri mino logical as pects
Keyw o r ds      
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to p redic t.

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