State economic security as criminal law protection object

AutorYuliya Andreevna Chernysheva - Vlasta Leonidovna Goricheva - Maksim Ivanovich Shepelev - Vladimir Nikolaevich Pishchulin
CargoPhD in Law - PhD in Law - PhD of Economic Sciences - PhD of Pedagogical Sciences
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
St ate ec on om ic se curity as crim inal l aw
pro te ctio n o bje ct
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpo l.4 0 74. 09
Yu li y a A nd re ev na Ch er ny s he va *
Vl as ta Le on id ov n a G or ich ev a **
M ak si m Iva n ov ic h Sh ep el ev ***
Vl ad im i r N iko la ev ic h P is hch ul in ****
Abst ra c t
The existence of any stat e is connected with socio-econ om ic
       
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        
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     
aim s to e xamin e th e th eore tical fou nd ation s of eco nom ic secu rity,
secu rity a nd id entify wa ys to im prove s ecuri ty and crimi nal law p rovisio ns.
 
authors con cluded th at th e m ain thr eat to th e economic security of t he
     
         
out syst em of law enforcement, wh ich includes a sim ilar valuation of all
sub jects o f e conom ic relat ions.
Keyw o r ds:       
* PhD in Law. Associat e Profes sor of th e Depart ment of Jur isprud ence, Bun in Yelets Sta te Univer sity,
      
** Ph D in Law. Associ ate Pro fessor of t he Depar tmen t of Ju rispru dence, Bu nin Yelets St ate Un iversity,
         
***            
****     
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 178- 194
protección del derech o penal
Re s um e n
         
socioecon óm icos y político-juríd icos del mu ndo. Dur an te el período de
  
y polít icas, Rusia se en cuent ra en un a situación sociop olítica d e necesidad
          
econ óm ica por medios ju dicos pena les. Este texto tien e como objetivo
   
    
         
    
teó rica com o emp írica y a plicad a. Los au tores conclu ye ron q ue la pr incip al
          
         
que incluya un a valoración similar de t odos los sujetos de las relaciones
econ óm icas.
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
    
me didas de der echo p enal.
In tr o d uct ion
          
etc. Econ om ic secur ity is th e m ost im portan t p ar t of the national secur ity
         
econ omic d evelopm ent of the n atio nal econ omy. H owever , mod ern t hrea ts
to e conom ic secur ity ar e man ifest ed at va riou s levels of d evelopm ent of the
      
    
civil soc iety an d the state .

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