The concept of 'Child' and its historical and legal description

AutorDilafruz Karimova - Nagima Baitenova - Mahfuza Alimova - Mohira Abdullaeva - Odiljon Ernazarov - Laziza Alidjanova
CargoDoctor of Sciences - Doctor of Sciences, Professor - PhD, Lecturer - PhD, Lecturer - PhD, Lecturer - Lecturer, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
The con ce pt o f “Ch ild ” an d its historic al
an d l egal d es crip tio n
DO I: https:/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .46 39 8/ cue stp ol .40 74 .48
Di la fru z Ka ri m ov a *
Na g im a Ba ite no v a **
M ah fuz a Ali mo v a ***
M oh ira Ab d ul la ev a ****
Od il jo n Er na z ar ov *****
La zi za Al id ja no va ******
Abst rac t
There a re a num ber of q uestions in th e theory and pract ice of
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and does not fully satisfy all pa rt ies involved. The au th or s used a set of
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comparative an alysis, as well as the result s of social surveys, literature
analysis an d sta tistical m ethods. As a resu lt, the con tent and essence of
Ke ywo rd s:         
*Doctor of Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ORCID ID:
**        
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Dilafr uz K arim ov a, N agim a B aiten ov a, Ma hfu za Ali mov a, M ohir a Ab dulla eva , Odiljon Ern aza rov
y La ziza A lidjan ova
The con cept of “Child” an d its h istor ical and legal d escrip tion
El con cepto de «Niño» y su descripción
histórica y jur ídica
Re su m en
            
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tod os estad íst icos. Como resultado, se a clar ó el contenid o y la esen cia
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In tro d u ction
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on his con sid erat ion s. This sectio n als o pre sen ts th e re sult s of socia l sur veys

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