The Impact of Russia's Military Aggression on Ukraine's Accession to the Single European Transport Area

AutorHennadii Ferdman - Maksym Kiriakidi - Volodymyr Dubovyi - Oleh Filonenko - Serhiy Benkovsky
CargoPhD in Public Adminiatration - Commandant of the Institute of Naval of the National University 'Odesa Maritime Academy', Odesa, Ukraine - Senior Researcher of the Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 'State Oceanarium' Institute of Naval Forces of the National University 'Odesa Maritime Academy', Odesa, Ukraine - Senior Researcher of...
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
The Imp act of Ru ss ia’s Military
Si ngle Euro pean Trans po rt Ar ea
DO I: https:/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 639 8/ cu es tp ol. 40 74 .3 0
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Ol eh Filo ne nk o ****
Se rh iy Be nk o vs ky *****
Abst rac t
          
Rus sian Fede rat ion h ave for ced U krain e to refor ma t th e tra nsp ort
     
Eur op ean Tr an sp ort Area (SETA). The aim of this study was
        
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line with its na tiona l inter ests. Th e stud y involved th e meth ods of systems
   
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plan due to t he destr uction of many transport infras tr uctur e facilities an d
* PhD in Public Adm iniat ration , Deput y Head of t he Resea rch Cent er of the Ar med For ces of Ukra ine
             
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*** Senio r Res earch er of t he Re sear ch Cent er of t he Arm ed Fo rces o f Ukrai ne “Sta te Ocea nar ium ” Inst itut e
**** Sen ior Re sear cher of the Resea rch Cen ter of the Armed Force s of Ukra ine “St ate Oce ana rium ” Ins titu te
            
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Oleksa ndr Bidei, M yk ola Gelem ei, Olek san dr Koz achen ko y Myk hailo K uziuk
Specia l char acte rist ics of a p ers on wh o com mits a crim e as sociat ed wi th t he illeg al tr ans plan tat ion
of hu man anat omica l mate rials
Keyw o r ds:      
Re s um e n
           
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de Tr an sp or te (SETA). El objetivo de este est udio fue fund am entar la
            
           
         
      
           
        
     
el marco juríd ico p ar a la adhesión de Ucran ia a SETA se estableció con
     
     
         
SETA deb ido a la destr ucción de mucha s in st ala cion es de in fr aestr uctura
de t ran spor te y la re cesión e conóm ica, en tre ot ros fa ctores .
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
In tr o d uction
   
in it s active phase. The occupier h as taken con tr ol of airpor ts an d oth er
transport infrastructu re of th e Aut on om ou s Repu blic of Crim ea (ARC),
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