Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of legal competence of future specialists of non-legal specialties

AutorViktoriia Prylypko - Oleksandr Kotliarenko - Liudmyla Prypolova - Tetiana Dmytruk - Olena Paruta
CargoTeacher - Ph.D. Chief of the Research Division Research Division of Military Legislation Issues of the Center for Military and Strategic Studies of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Kyiv, Ukraine - Ph.D. - Assistant Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Faculty - Candidate of Science of Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Theoretical and methodological bases
of formation of legal competence of future
specialists of non-legal specialties
Viktoriia Prylypko *
Oleksandr Kotliarenko **
Liudmyla Prypolova ***
Tetiana Dmytruk ****
Olena Paruta *****
The objective of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the
        
  
           
    
      
       
           
         
* Teacher, C    
Faculty of law, humanity and social sciences, 
Kremenchuk, Pershotravneva street, 
**        
         
           
***  
         
**** Assistant Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Faculty - PR, Journalism and Cybersecurity,
           
***** Candidate of Science of Law, Associate Professor Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute
           
Viktoriia Prylypko, Oleksandr Kotliarenko, Liudmyla Prypolova, Tetiana Dmytruk y Olena Paruta
Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of legal competence of future specialists of
non-legal specialties
      
Keywords:      
la competencia jurídica de los futuros especialistas de
especialidades no jurídicas
           
la competencia jurídica de los futuros especialistas de las especialidades
          
principales especialidades en la participación de las disciplinas jurídicas,
          
especialidades no jurídicas en el estudio de las disciplinas jurídicas, todo lo
  
de las disciplinas jurídicas para la dirección de los estudiantes. Se
      
     
       
          
          
        
jurídicas en el estudio de las disciplinas jurídicas. Se propone un conjunto
         
estudiantes de especialidades no jurídicas.
Palabras clave:     
no juridicas.
Introduction: Research Problem
        
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