Transformation of civil society in the context of political radicalism in eastern Europe

AutorTetiana Madryha - Oleksandr Kornievskyy - Yevgen Pereguda - Irina Bodrova - Stepan Svorak
CargoPhD in Political Science - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor - PhD of Legal Sciences - Doctor of Law
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
IEPDP -Facu ltad d e Ciencia s Ju rídica s y Política s - LUZ
Tra ns form atio n of c ivil so cie ty
in the co ntext o f po litica l ra dica lis m
in ea stern Eur ope
DO I: https :/ / do i.o rg/ 10 .4 63 98 /cu es tpo l.4 0 74. 14
Te ti an a M a dr y ha *
Ol ek sa nd r Ko rn ie vs ky y **
Ye v ge n P er eg ud a ***
Ir in a B od ro v a ****
St ep a n S vo ra k *****
Abst ra c t
The aim of th e article wa s to ident ify th e cu rren t stat e of the
process of civil societ y tr an sform at ion in th e con text of political
radicalism in Eas tern Europe. Comp ar at ive law an d statistical
       
showed th at th e developm en t of polit ical radica lism in Eastern
Eur op e lea ds to the tr an sform at ion of civil societ y. A more p er sisten t
and contentious public m akes n ew d em an ds on th e political p rocess. It
       
   
      
         
is con cluded that this phenomenon requires con stan t im plem entation of
radicalism . Th e approp riateness and prospects of th e activities of the
       
wer e estab lished .
* PhD in Political Scie nce, Ass ociat e Pro fe ssor of Depa rtmen t of Political Inst itution s and Pr ocesses,
          
** Doct or of Polit ical Sciences , Professo r, Chief Rese archer of Depart ment of Huma nitari an Policy an d
   
*** Docto r of Polit ical Scien ces, Pro fessor, H ead o f the Dep artm ent o f Politica l Sciences a nd Law, Faculty
        
**** 
*****            
        
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (20 22): 2 68-2 92
Keyw o r ds:      
Transform ación de la sociedad civil en el con texto del
radicalism o político en Europa del Este
Re s um e n
          
transfor mación de la sociedad civil en el context o del radicalismo político
 
      
que el desarr ollo del r ad icalism o político en Eu ropa del Este con du ce
          
y cont en cioso plantea nueva s deman da s al proceso político. También
       
   
      
el con ocimient o alter nativo. El p roceso d e fusión del ra dicalism o militan te
      
Eur op a del E ste. Se con cluye q ue es te fen óm eno requ ier e la im plem en tac ión
         
manifestaciones de radica lism o p olít ico. Se est ablecieron la idon eidad
     
Pa lab ras cl ave :      
In tr o d uct ion
rep resen tative democracy. The sp read of pr otest attit ud es and behaviou r
observed in man y count ries arou nd the world is rela ted to th e cu rr en t
       
me diatio n in p olitics.
consciou sness to t he detriment of institutional form s of civic an d p olit ical
        

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